The Blog Boat Theme Installation Instructions

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1. Installing a Wordpress Theme

Confirming you have a domain & hosting:

Firstly you will need to have a registered domain name ( If you do not have one you can set one up with a hosting company. ie. You should have Wordpress installed on this domain, if you dont, speak to your hosting company and they will sort it out for you. So when you login to your wordpress you should be greated by the Wordpress dashboard.

Follow these steps to install your theme:

2. Setup Your Header

How to upload a header image:

Please Note: Some of our headers use images and other use text, so this section may be irrelevant depending on the theme

How to change the heaader text:

3. Menu

To control the top menu, any new pages you create in Wordpress (PAGES -> NEW) will show up on that main menu automatically

Customise your menu:

If you want to add custom links to your menu, links that aren’t pages on your blog (external) ie. Behance, Etsy etc OR remove pages from the top menu without deleting them permanently.

4. Sidebar Setup

Once you have setup your blog header & menu you are going to want to setup your sidebar. Our sidebars are special and go beyond what could be hard coded in. It involves a little manual work on your side but its not difficult at all we promise! Plus, you will be amazed by the results. In your theme package you would have recieved a sidebar.txt file. Follow that file while watching these videos in order to set your sidebar up

5. The Smiths & Co. Theme Social Sharing Buttons

6.Handy Tips